

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
November 8 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 



Featured Shacks


Field Day Chairman Adam KD0MMG would like to invite those interested in helping with Field Day Planning Meeting  on Saturday April 29th at 10:00 am at Freedom Park.  We will have dicussions on the gazebo which offers a wonderful view of the entire park and offers a great place to operate from duirng the weekend. If it is raining, we will meet inside the USS Hazard.  The plan is to fiinalize locaitons of shacks,antenna loations, and discuss setup and operation plans.   This is also important for the logging network plans.  

Freedom Park offers many new challenges but also offers a lot of opportunities, which is one of the major aspects of Field Day, leaning to see challenges as oppurtunities.  Because the park will be open during part of the setup and early operations, all shack locations will be determined before setup.    The GOTA station will operate from 1:00pm until 3:00 pm when the park closes.   

Shack Captains have been confirmed for:

  • 20 meter SSB - K0CTU/KE7RDM
  • 40 meter SSB - KD0MMG/N0TRK
  • 15 meter SSB - KA0VNY
  • GOTA* - KA0VNYwill be the control op/Callsign used
  • 6 meter SSB - KA4ZZQ
  • 20 Meter PSK  - AI7Q

There are plans to operate on 144 SSB as well as 144/220/440 FM - but no firm shack captains have been determined. 

Remember as a shack captain, you are responsible for obtaining all equipment needed for your shack - Radios, logging computer, antennas, tables, chairs, power source,  etc...  and are responsible for its setup.  This doesn't mean that the shack captain must have all of this equipment themselves, but you need to know what you need from other hams or the club and make sure it is available for that day. 

The park is open for visitors on Saturdays now, so just drive on down to the park. 

To get to Freedom Park, take Abbot Drive towards the airport.  Turn right on Gallup Drive  and take the first left. There is a sign that says Miller's Landing, River City Star, Freedom Park.    Follow the road east to the gate for Freedom Park.   

Museum Ships Weekend

To sign up to help with Field Day please use this form:

And here is a link to the location from Abbott Drive 

Field Day Chairman Adam KD0MMG would like to invite those interested in being a shack captain to a site visit of the 2017 Field Day site on Saturday April 29th at 10:00 am.  We will have dicussions on the gazebo which offers a wonderful view of the entire park and offers a great place to operate from duirng the weekend.     We will finalize locaitons of shacks, and discuss setup plans.  

Freedom Park offers many new challenges but also offers a lot of opportunities, which is one of the major aspects of Field Day.  The park is open for visitors on Saturdays now, so just drive on down to the park. 

To get to Freedom Park, take Abbot Drive towards the airport.  Turn right on Gallup Drive  and take the first left. There is a sign that says Miller's Landing, River City Star, Freedom Park.    Follow the road east to the gate for Freedom Park.   

If you miss the group that gets into the park.  Goodnights Pizza is at 1302 Mike Fahey St, Omaha, NE 68102 - they open at 11:00 am on Saturdays.(remember to bring some change for the parking meter)Museum Ships Weekend

To sign up to help with Field Day please use this form at the MDARES Website:

And here is a link to the location from Abbott Drive 

The Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club welcomes newly licensed amateur radio operators to the great hobby amateur radio.

We know it can be a bit intimidating figuring out what to do now that you have that new call sign. Joining a club and being active in events is a great way to find those people who are willing and able to help.  

To make is easy for a newly licensed ham, the Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club offers:

  • A free year's membership in the club so you can put your dues money towards your radio purchases.
  • Loaner radios  - we have two Icom 144MHz handitalkies - so you can get on the air while you decide which new radio to buy. Any member may borrow one of these radios for a month at a time

The Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club has an active group who like to take ham radio out of the "shack" and into the field. They have plans to operate from:

  • Homestead National Monument of America in Beatrice,NE for the 2017 Total Eclipse in August.  
  • USS Hazard National Historic Landmark at Freedom Park in Omaha for ham radio event called Museum Ships Weekend in June
  • There are tenative plans for operating from other locations so watch the website and Facebook for details

The club also is active in community service, providing communication support to numerous events such as

  • Nebraska State High School Track Meet
  • Market-to-Market Relay
  • The Corporate Cup
  • Crop Walk

You can find an application form at this link.  Fill it out and bring it with you to a club meeting!  We meet the 2nd Friday of the Month at the Red Cross near 84th and Spring.   We are looking forward to meeting you!  

Field Day Chairman Adam KD0MMG would like to invite those interested in being a shack captain to a site visit of the 2017 Field Day site on Saturday February 18 at 10:00 am.

About 11:00 am the group will relocate Goodnight's Pizza for a discussion of bands and modes, best shack locations and antenna options.

Freedom Park offers many new challenges but also offers a lot of opportunities, which is one of the major aspects of Field Day.

Potential Shack Captains should meet at the Freedom Park Road gate no later than 10:00 am.  A park volunteer will be there to unlock the gate (the park is currently closed for the winter) talk in will be on 146.940.

To get to Freedom Park, take Abbot Drive towards the airport.  Turn right on Gallup Drive  and take the first left. There is a sign that says Miller's Landing, River City Star, Freedom Park.    Follow the road east to the gate for Freedom Park.   

If you miss the group that gets into the park.  Goodnights Pizza is at 1302 Mike Fahey St, Omaha, NE 68102 - they open at 11:00 am on Saturdays.(remember to bring some change for the parking meter)

To sign up to help with Field Day please use this form at the MDARES Website:

And here is a link to the location from Abbott Drive NE150 LogoTo help celebrate Nebraska's Sequicentennial there will be a year long QSO Party!  The premier event will be the Sesquicentennial QSO Party,  from 13:00 UTC Saturday February 25  to 11:00 pm Sunday March 5th.  Nebraska's Statehood day is March 1st.  

Hams throughout Nebraska are encouraged to participate as NE150Hams using their own callsign with "/NE150" as a suffix. The exchange for Nebraska is : call sign, signal report and county.  Additionally participating Nebraska stations are encouraged to operate from historical sites in Nebraska (this is optional) then the station will add the name of that site,  "Homestead National Monument" or "Chimney Rock".  The response from the station outside Nebraska is call, name, signa report and state or province.  If the station is outside of the US, then just their country.

Lots of details are still in the works, so check at to get the latest information.

On December 9, 2016 the business meeting of the AARC was suspended  at 7:38 PM for the election.

Steve, N0UP ran the election and  Barb, KC0HLB, Jim, KA0KCV and Russ, NE0G acted as tellers.

For the 2 open Board positions candidates were Dave, N0JSB, Bill, WA9ASD and Dan, N0POT.

Steve called for nominations from the floor 3 times and there were none.

The election for the 2 open board positions was held and Dave, N0JSB and Dan, N0POT were elected.

For Vice President, Justin Tabor, KE0BHP was the only candidate.

When Steve called for nominations from the floor, Bill, KE0XQ nominated Bill, WA9ASD.  Bill accepted the nomination.   There were no other nominations.

The election was held and Bill, WA9ASD was elected.

For President, Kevin, KA0VNY was the only candidate.

Steve called for nominations from the floor 3 times and there were no none.

Because there were no nominations from the floor John, WB0CMC made a motion, seconded by Norm, WA0JYD that Kevin, KA0VNY be elected by acclimation.  Approved.                     -

Then Adam, KD0MMG made a motion, seconded by Bill, KD0FJR that the ballots be destroyed. 

Unanimously approved.

The Winners are: 
President -KAØVNY
Vice President - WA9ASD
Board - NØJSB and NØPOT


K0USA has been busy this year working National Parks on the Air. Here are a few of the latest contacts made by the club

Don't miss an activity or event!  Ask your fellow hams for help.   Join our email group: