

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
November 8 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 



Featured Shacks


What a great program!   EME 6M DX -
You can learn more about this interesting aspect of ham radio at Lance's Site "
The recording of the presentation will be available soon for those that missed out!   

The January meeting which will be held via Zoom, The Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club is pleased to bring you "The Trials and Tribulations of 6 Meter DX"  by Lance Collister, W7GJ the world renowned  6 meter EME (earth Moon Earth)  DXer.   During the program, he will share many aspects of 6 Meter EME  DXing: from equipment, antennas to modes and operating techniques. to his own special moon tracking software (GJTRACKER) to software and DXPeditions  Lance promises to share his expertise and experiences with this interesting aspect of Amateur Radio.     

Lance was first licensed in 1965 and became hooked on 2m DX early on.  His interest in that led him to 2 meter EME and he placed first world wide on 2 meters in the ARRL EME Competition in 1983.  Later that same year he became the first civilian to contact space when he talked to Owen Garriot W5LFL aboard the STS-9 mission.  He helped develop the Maidenhead Grid Awards, which later became the ARRL's VUCC(VHF/UHF Century Club).  He has earn his DXCC on 2m EME   and is credited by the ARRL with completing fourteen "firsts" from the USA to a new DXCC country.   In the Mid 1990s he moved He has made EME DX-peditions to numerous locations around the world and  in 2021 he is planning to activate the Austral Islands and Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia.   

Please join us for an informative and entertaining evening as Lance takes us to the moon and back. 

Club members will receive the invitation link via the email provided for HamClubOnline.   The meeting will start at 7:00. With the program starting about 7:30.   

If you are not a club member but your like an invitation to the meeting please click here to fill out this form and the Zoom link will be sent to you