
TYT MD9600 Dual Band DMR
( / VHF/UHF Mobiles)

TYT MD9600 Dual Band DMR

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
August 9th at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 

High Altitude Balloons


Featured Shacks



  • Community Service
    • Recovery support to Grand Island Tornado
    • Carter Lake Ski Tourney
    • JayCee's Marathon
    • MS Bike Ride
    • "North Pole Network"
  • Items of Note
    • Club Picnic
    • AARC Auction
    • QSL Bureau
    • Dedication of "AMPS" Ak-Sar-Ben Mobile Power System (aka the generator trailer)
    • 147.00 callsign change from WRØAJT to WBØCMC
  • January Program  - RTTY & Microcomputers - Roger Svobda  & Bill Martin
  • February Program - Portable Pagers and voice pagers
  • March Program - Weather Watches - Jim Zoller of NWS and Major Bill Elmer SAC 3rd Weather Wing
  • April Program - State Senator Dave Newell
  • May Program - Field Day and Contests  Dave WDØDLW & Frank WAØIWF
  • June Program - Film and Grand Island Tornado WAØIWF
  • August Programs - ARES Jerry WBØPPF
  • September - Laser Tech - by Fred Totten of Bell Telephone
  • October - No Meeting - Division Convention in Lincoln
  • November Program - KC Club DX-pedition to Belize & Guatamala Richard Barnett KBØI
  • December - Elections



  • Community Service
    • White Cane Walk-a-thon
    • Six-Mile "Marathon" for Diabetes Research
    • Thirteen Mile "Marathon" Midlands Community Hospital Health Run
    • Carter Lake Water Ski Club Tournament
    • Six-Mile "Marathon" Labor Day
    • Septemberfest
  • Items of Note
    • Club auction held at American Legion Post 374
    • Club a receipent of a Certificate of Appreciation from the United State Jaycees and the Omaha Jaycees for 
      "Concious of you concernt for mankind and our nation, we express, in the way, our appreciation for you support"
    • Silent Key Plaque Created
    • Ø QSOL Bureau worked through 96 pounds of cards
    • Annual Picnic
    • Tour of Amato Color, Inc by Dave Hamilton NØCLW
    • Carter Lake Ski Club presents club with Outstanding Acheivement in Communcation Serivces 
  • January Program  - Gerald Nielsen - OPPD Field Supervisor - Communications - Radio Interference
  • February Program - Demonstration of Computerized Red Cross RTTY system
  • March Program - James Zoller - Meteorologist-in-Charge National Weather Service
  • April Program - Pictorial History of Ground & Air Communications in Early Omaha - Lou Cutler WØVLI
  • May Program - Radio Controlled Airplanes - Olie Olson KAØJNS Benson Hobby SHop
  • June Program -  Terry Tavener - Manager Facility Engineering - Upcoming Changes in Telecommunications over the next decade
  • July Program -   "Got a Match"  By Al Mc Millan WØJJK 
  • August Programs - FM DX-ing Joe Eisenberg WAØWRI (now KØNEB)
  • September - "The Birth of a Radio Tube" Lou Cutler WØVLI
  • October - Salute to the Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club's Past Presidents
  • November Program -  Life Flight
  • December - Elections


  • Community Service
    • White Cane Walk-a-Thon
  • Items of Note
    • FCC Favors Amateur Resting by Amateurs
    • Denison Repeater Assocation Ham Fest held in Deloit, Ia
    • Nebraska State Convention held in Kearney, NE
    • Club hosted code and theory classes (Novice Only)
    • Club Hosted Dance/Social
    • National ARRL Convention held in Sioux City, IA
  • January Program  - Yesterday's Airplanes  - Lou Cutler WØVLI
  • February Program - An Audio Visual Tour throught Dayton Hamvention
  • March Program - "The Genesis of a Tornado and other Server Weather Spotting" - NWS Staff
  • April Program - Cable TV Interfrence to and from Hams - Joe Eisenberg WAØWRI (aka KØNEB)
  • May Program - Civil Air Patrol Emergency Communications
  • June Program -  Maximilian's Journey - presented by InterNorth
  • July Program -   Complete Tour of Cox Cable Company 
  • August Programs - Western Electric's "Telecommunications in the 80s"
  • September Program - Electronics Aids to Aviation by Kay Ramsey WØSBZ
  • October Program -  Electronics Aids to Aviation by Kay Ramsey WØSBZ
  • November Program - Airborne Combat Electronics - Lou Cutler WØVLI 
  • December - Elections