

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
November 8 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 



Featured Shacks



  • Community Service
    • Armed Forces Day Communications Test
    • Operation Hello
  • Galaxy Electronics moves to Lincoln
  • January Program  - Tour of SAC Underground
  • February Program - Lasers Unlimited by Don Lucaszewki of Northwestern Bell
  • March Program - Tour of Main Postoffice
  • April Program - Auction
  • May Program - Films Apollo VIII & Apollo XI
  • June Program - Field Day
  • August Programs - Films Micro Circuits, World Wide Communications, Hams Wide World
  • September - Steak Fry
  • November Program - Andrew Andros W0LTE President HyGain and Galaxy Electronics


  • Community Service
    • Armed Forces Day Communications Test
    • Operation Hello
  • Call for help to paint the trailer -
  • Bellevue ARC - Special Event Station 25 years of SAC  - Operated under callsign WS0ATA - Arrows to Areospace
  • Lincoln ARC - SPecial Event station at State Fair - KQ0NEB
  • January Program - Tour of New Police Facilities and Communications Center
  • February Program  - Bring Your Gadget - NWBell System Films "Worldwide Communiation" & "ESS A Touch of Tomorrow"
  • March Program - W0JJK or WRL - troubleshooting
  • April Program - Auction
  • May Program - A Tour of HyGain
  • June Program - Field Day
  • July Program - Post Field Day Discussion
  • August Program - Motorola Prestation on Manufacturing of Integrated Circuits
  • September Program - Steak Fry
  • October Program - "Repeater Auction"  - auction of donated items to benefit the repeater fund
  • November Program - Past President's Nights



  • Community Service
    • Armed Forces Day Communications Test
    • Operation Hello
    • MS Bike Ride Support
  • Code and Theory Classes 
  • Communications support to Methodist Hospital and Emergency Responders during phone outage
  • Lincoln ARC gets permission to put repeater on Beaver Crossing Tower - Necessiates move from .34/.94 to .16/.76
  • Ak-Sar-Ben Radio Club repeater in Council Bluffs on .22/.82 (easily changed to be .34/.94)
  • Club outgrowing Red Cross party room
  • Special Event for "Enterprise Jr. or Little Enterprise" arrival at Omaha - WS0EJ  special event call sign
  • January Program - Do it Yourself An Amateur Radio Show and Tell - a fax machine was on display
  • February Program - Medical Elecrtonics by Robert Stratbucker W0HZE
  • March Program - Auction
  • April Program - TVI Problems: Experiences and Solutions
  • May Program - Tour of UNO Engineering Building
  • June Program - Antennas: Facts & Fallacies  By Douglas Blakeslee W1KLK - Editor of the Radio Amateur Handbook
  • July Program - The Art of Mobiling
  • August Program - Tour of OPPD Power Plant
  • September Program - Steak Fry
  • October Program - Home Brew or otherwise
  • November Program - Past President's Night


  • Commuity Service
    • Armed Forces Day Communications Test
    • Operation Hello
    • Multiple Sclerosis Fund Drive
    • Mutliple Sclerosis Bike Ride
  • Red Cross Station W0CQX received award for assistance i the 1972 South Dakota Flooding
  • Red Cross Van is mentioned - partly funded by Downtown Rotary Club (no photos - yet)
  • Mayor Ed Zorinsky Declared June 24 & 25 as Amateur Radio Days
  • .34/.94 got a callsign WR0ABQ .22/.82 was pending
  • Second Transmitter hunt held in December
  • January Program - Red Cross Disaster Chair Rober Leftholtz - Film on Rapid City Flooding
  • February Program - WIlliam Noyes - Omaha-Douglas County Civial Defense Coodinator
  • March Program - Annual Auction
  • April Program - Demonstration of SSTV
  • May Program - W0UPY Mac McCarty "400' of 16mm Film" Field Day and Picnics from 1948 - 1950
  • June Program - Two Megawatt Navy Transmitter Near Cutler Maie
  • July Program - Your Altnernate Hobby Show & Tell
  • August Program - Repeater Update
  • September Program - Steak Fry
  • October Program - Survey of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • November Program - Past Presidents Night
  • December - Elections (Dues due before meeting, and only paid members vote*) 
    • *this is a note on all December Ham Hum Meeting annoucements


  • Club sponsors Code and Theory Classes - held at Creighton Prep
  • Ham Hum wins 1st Place in ARNS Publication Contest in Photo Division and 3rd Place in Tech Artiles
  • Hastings Club callsign change fro K0SOQ to W0WWV- Memorial Callsign for Everett (Benny) Carl
  • Transmitter Hunts started again
  • Blair Parade Demonstration
  • USS Marlin Arrival in Omaha - Hugh Tinely K0GHK and Ed Askew WA0RDZ were on board for part of the trip as WS0SUB 
  • Community Service
    • MS Bike Ride Support
    • Emergency Evacuation assistance (March Issue)
    • MOU of Understanding with Offutt AFB Weather and Ak-Sar-Ben Radio Club and AREC
    • October Storms - AREC activated reporting to Offutt AFB
  • January Program - Getting into RTTY
  • Febuary Program - AMSAT
  • March Program - Annual Auction
  • April Program - 2 Meter Clinic
  • May Program - Growing Crystals - a Demo with Dr Charlels Slagle Professor Of Chemistry Vuena Vista College - Storm Lake, IA
  • June Progrm - Lew McCoy W1ICP Beginner Novice Editor for QST and Paul Graur W0FIR Midwest Division Director On Repeater Regulations and other subjects as the audience desires
  • July Program - Lasers by Larry Suder from Bell Telephone - Live Laser Demo
  • August Program - Sigma 1 Transcievers
  • September Program - Steak Fry
  • October Program - Basis of FM Stereo Broadcasting
  • November Program - Show and Tell - Gadgets Home Brew or Otherwise
  • December Program - Elections - 1975 Dues due before meeting and ONLY paid members vote



  • Club Sponsored Code and Theory Classes
  • Auction at the Holiday Inn
  • Clubs are run by cliques 
  • AREC MOU with Detachment I, 3rd Weather Wing - AREC to serve as spotters reported to Offutt AFB Weather
  • AREC Tour of Offutt AFB Weather Station
  • March 27, 1975 - two tornado hit Omaha area
  • April 27 Tornado Watch for Douglas and Sarpy Counties
  • AREC and AARC on Channel 3 program
  • Club applies to be the Zero QSL Bureau Manager
  • Community Service
    • AREC Blizzard Response
    • Simulated Emergency Test - SET
    • AREC May 5th Tornado Response (spotters and response)
    • AREC Training at the Red Cross
    • Water Ski Tournament
    • River Raft Regatta
    • MS Bike Tour
    • Toys for Tots
    • Santa Net
  • January Program - Canceled due to Blizzard of 1975
  • Febuary Program - License Restructuring
  • March Program - Avionics
  • April Program - Lt Col Vernon Von - Commander Base Weather & John Hancock Chief Forecaster OFB - Film and Slides of Scottsbluff Tornado.
  • May Program - Canceled due to Tornado
  • June Program - Photo report and Video of Tornado damage
  • July Program - Repeaters - the Inside Story
  • August Program - WØJJK - The Smith Chart 
  • September Program - Picnic - Missouri Valley CIty Park
  • October Program - Radio Astronomy 
  • November Program - Coventants - Legal and Zoning problems with antenna structures
  • December Program - Elections - 1976 Dues due before meeting and ONLY paid members vote



  • FCC allowed Bicentennial Prefixes
  • New Hams now get free membership in the year they are licensed
  • Club Hosts 1976 ARRL Midwest Convention
  • Discussion of all the community service events on the repeater
  • Club hosts Auction
  • Club Hosts Code and Theory Classes
  • Joint Picnic with Lincoln ARC hed a Memphis State Recreation Area
  • Club approved to be Zero QSL Bureau Manager
  • Community Service
    • Simulated Emergency Test - SET
    • Red Cross Display at Westroads
    • Open Water Ski Tournament
    • Toys for Tots
    • Weather Watches
  • January Program - Midwest Director - Paul Grauer WØFIR
  • Febuary Program - RTTY - Bob Conley WB0LYU and Don Fey - K0OPZ
  • March Program - Equipment Security with John Draus WØEKB - District Rep for ADT Security
  • April Program - John Bruckner WAØMRH - Propagation JF/VHF/UHF
  • May Program - Eurgene Shaw - Operations Coordinator for Research & Development Public Works - Review of Activities during the 1975 Tornado response
  • June Program - Photo report and Video of Tornado damage
  • July Program - Doyle Kernes WBØIUT AMSAT Coordinator  - OSCAR Its international development to lauch
  • August Program - Mobile Operations, Ignition Supression Generator/Alternator Whine and Hash
  • September Program - Picnic - 
  • October Program - 1976 Midwest Divison Convention
  • November Program - Solar Energey - Virgial Wamsat
  • December Program - Elections - 1977 Dues due before meeting and ONLY paid members vote



  • Club Member Bob Lockwood WAØDHU Named 1977  Midwest Division Ham Of the Year 
  • Club Recognized by Heath Company for its assistance during the 1975 Tornado response
  • Club Member Leo Meyerson WØGFQ elected to the Board of QCWA
  • Courtesy Committee Created
  • Antenna Party at the JCC
  • Breakfast Club at Kohlls Drug at 74th and Pacific
  • Club Application Computerized
  • Club Dues to Increase to $10 per year in 1978
  • Code and Theory Classes
  • Community Service
    • Severe Weather Watches for Offutt AFB
    • March of Dimes Walk-a-thon
    • MS Bike-a-thon
    • Operation Santa Clause

  • January Program - Municiple Judge Fred Montag - Stolen Radio Equipment and Your Rights
  • February Program - Science is Not Magic - SA Monford Community Relations Manager for NW Bell
  • March Program - Weather - James Zoller of National Weather Service and Major Don Bahr Offutt Air Force Base
  • April Program - 911 Communication Center Tour
  • May Program - Porta-Peater Marty Griffin WA0GEH
  • June Program - Why the Expense of Crystals - Larry Martin of Custom Crystals
  • July Program - Demo of WOWT's new "Action Cam"   Wayne Goetz WBØHEU & Al Maller  WØDCQ both of Channel 6
  • August Program - Gerald Hall - K1TD Associate Technical Editor for QST
  • September Program - Beginners Look at Microporcessing - Mike McAllister WBØDXA
  • October Program - Golden Memories of Radio - Sam Seldon WB0VWM
  • November Program - Ionospher and Weather System and Their Affect on Radio Wave Propagation  In VHF and HF bands - by
    Capt. James Manly Space Envrionmental Suport Global Weather Control Offutt AFB
  • December - ELECTIONS - 1978 Dues due before meeting and ONLY paid members vote


  • Dedication of the Leo Meyerson Emergency Communications Center at the JCC
  • Club proproses a YL only class
  • Repeater call sign changed to WØEQU
  • Trailer Rebuilt  (again)
  • Code & Theory classes
  • Practical Applications classes
  • Club partcipates Sweepstakes
  • Community Service
    • ElKhorn & Platte River Flooding Response 
    • MS Bike-a-thon
    • Election Commission Support
  • January Program - Mobile Telephone Service by Neil Johnon WBØWMU
  • February Program - Do's and Don'ts on Repeater Use
  • March Program - Weather - with James Zoller  NWS and Major Don Bahr Offutt AFB
  • April Program - Getting the Best Signal out of Your Radio - Al McMillan WØJJK
  • May Program - 11 meter to 10 meter radio conversion - Larry Baily WØPYA & Scott Person WBØQPP
  • June Program - Emergency Medical Service Glen Pollock WAØFMY
  • July Program  - Printed Circuit Boards  Marty Griffin WAØGEH and John Gebuhr WBØCMC
  • August Program - Micro Computers - John WIlliams & Timmoth Sisson of the "Byte Shop"
  • September Program - M.A.R.S. with K9BL Bob Neben
  • October Program - Avionics  - Kay Ramsey WØSBZ
  • November Program - RTTY by Dick Jugel KØDG
  • December - ELECTIONS - 1979 Dues due before meeting and ONLY paid members vote



  • Club Auction
  • Field Day
  • The Clique still runs the club apparantly
  • Club Picnic at Missouri Valley
  • Code and Theory Classes
  • Red Cross moves to their new building at 38th and Dewey
  • Community Service
    • Armed Forces Day
    • Omaha Marathon
    • MS Bike-a-thon
    • Ham-o-grams at Summerfest
    • Pope John Paul II visit to Des Moines
  • January Program - Commercial Licensing - Parley Applegate WDàENV
  • February Program - Talking to a computer in Basic - Jerry Greelie of Midwest Computer Company
  • March Program - Severe Weather  - James Zoller, National Weather Service & Major Rick Himebrook Offutt AFB
  • April Program - The Tomorrow Machine: What your phone will do in the future - Sue Wilbur of NorthWestern Bell
  • May Program - Guided Tour of the NorthWestern Bell Switching Center
  • June Program - Field Day Frank Wolczak WAØIWF & Dave Hamilton WDØDLN
  • July Program - TBA
  • August Program - Concepts of Stereo & SCA Broadcasting Leonard Hedlund VP of Research & Design for McMartin Industries 
  • September Program - World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) A James Abel President and GM of KOLN/KGIN TV & State Department Delegate to WARC
  • October Program - Phase - Nothing" - Al McMillan WØJJK will explain the title
  • November Program - Antenna Gain & Polarization - Roger Cox WBØDGF of HyGain
  • December Program - ELECTIONS -1980 Dues due before meeting and ONLY paid members vote