

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
February 14 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 



Featured Shacks


Manyof following items  of note were mentioned in a 1950s issue of the Ham Hum as the club leadership reviewed the meeting minutes in their club files.

  • 1944
    • The first meeting of our club was held in the Douglas County Court House, Monday October 23, 1944.  N.P. Nelson was elected president form the 16 members present.
    • This organizaiton was called the Eastern Nebraska Radio Club, but was changed to AK-SAR-BEN Radio Club after a motion by Rolly Fried.
    • The Club was originally formed as a WERS (War Emergency Radio Service) organization
    • By the 5th meeting there were 38 members in attendance
  • 1945
    • February - the Ak-Sar-Ben Radio Club became affilliated with the ARRL (... and still is)
  • 1946
    • October WØSHF Dalyce Jones was the first XYL to become a member of the club
  • 1948 
    • Ak-Sar-Ben Radio Club staffs a Special Event Station at the Midwest Electrical Exposition using the special event callsign KØUSA
  • 1949
    • Club hosts Midwest ARRL Convention
    • October 8 Mayor Glenn Cunningham proclaimed Amateur Radio Day