Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
September 13  at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 

Radio Scouting and POTA
presented by WBØBEE


Featured Shacks


The Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club, Inc. of Omaha, Nebraska as we know it today has been around since 1945 and has been affiliated with the ARRL since that time, but there is evidence of the existance of the club dating back to the 1920s. 

Today, the Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club, is a general interest club that makes a special effort to provide communications support to many public service events such as the MS Walk, the Nebraska State Track Meet, the Market-to-Market Relay Race and the Omaha Marathon.    

The club operates the KØUSA repeater on 146.940 MHz which is the primary repeater for the Douglas County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES).   The club encourages its members to be active in ARES, SATERN and with the Red Cross Diaster Services.    

The club also participates in Field Day every year and members often participate in other contests through out the year using the KØUSA callsign. The club has been working with the volunteer force at Omaha's Freedom Park and recently donated the necessary funds to obtain an original TBS-6 as part of the restoration of the radio room of  Museum Ship the USS Hazard.    The club plans on participating in Museum Ships Weekend from the USS Hazard.

 This year, the club also particpated in the Boy Scouts, Jamboree on the Air JOTA, exposing dozens of scouts to the magic of radio. The club has been invited to participate in the past, but now has made connection with an active council and is looking forward to JOTA

As part of its mission, the club also teaches classes for those wishing to obtain their amateur radio license and sponsors regularly scheduled Volunteer Examiners as part of the ARRL VEC program.   Recently members of the club have taken the message about amateur radio to area science fiction conventions with a presentation of Communications in a Post-Apocolyptic World. 

The Flea-esta Amateur Radio Flea Market is usually held each fall and is known for its pancake breakfast.   

The Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club has a long and a long history of community service and promotion of ham radio in the city, county and state that continues today and hopefully long into the future.   

To learn more about the history of this great club, please check out the "Club History" pages.

To find  information about how to join the AARC and read the bylaws of the club please check out our "Membership" page